In the first CFC Digital Summit held on June 15, 2022, Gerald Manapsal, Head of the CFC Digital Journey Team, emphasized that CFC is called to do good and defeat evil. In this age, this task includes sharing the Word on social media.
He said, “’Your story’ is a good message that should be shared. Let us work together to expand the Spirit to the ever-changing digital landscape, like the call of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to go to this digital continent and proclaim the Good News.”
The digital continent is one that everyone can access and go on mission to, said Manapsal, as he called on everyone to share the CFC YT channel in order to reach 100,000 subscribers by the end of 2022. Toward the goal of transformation, he announced the upcoming launch of CFC Upgrade Season 2, a digital training course that would equip members of the community in navigating the digital world. He also promoted the new interface of the CFC website, which is currently undergoing a revamp to better attract and engage CFC and non-CFC alike.
“We ask the power of the Holy Spirit,” Manapsal said, “as Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit (2 Kings 2:9-12). The digital continent may be new, but we are a part of it. It is a wonderful gift to be opened and used.”
Norman Robles, sector head of MM North B, led the Prayer for the Apostolate of Electronic and Digital Media and closed the summit with a powerful worship. (Richie Panganiban-Tolentino)