The call of the Holy Father Pope Francis to care for our common home resonates in the life of Couples for Christ. It was in the late 1990s when CFC undertook the work of caring for the environment via the St. Thomas More and Associates’ (STMA) launch of T.R.E.E.S., or “Towards the Renewal of the Earth’s Ecosystem”. This initiative gave birth to CFC OIKOS, CFC’s ministry for the care of creation, as well as the Ang Ganda Mo! program of the Handmaids of the Lord, Greeneration of the Youth for Christ, and Batang Kalikasan of the Kids for Christ.

This year, CFC Metro Manila kicked off the Season of Creation at the Mission Core Assembly on September 4, 2022 at the Claret School, Quezon City. CFC OIKOS prepared seedlings that were offered during the Mass, and given away to Mission Core members as a way of constantly reminding the CFC leaders of their mandate to care for the environment.
A couple of weeks before the MC Assembly, the CFC Family Ministries likewise launched the 4S program, which encourages families to begin caring for creation right at their own homes.

The Season of Creation began on September 1st, and will continue until October 9, 2022. Couples for Christ worldwide is encouraged to include in their calendar the various activities set for this years Season of Creation. (A. Alvarez)